The JGDC Exhibits at Medical Conferences

The JGDC teamed up with Jscreen at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) annual conference  in Austin, TX.  At this event, we shared our information about the importance of carrier screening with OB/GYN’s from around the world.  We emphasized the importance of educating patients prior to pregnancy, as well as, explained the new expanded carrier screening panels that are targeted for everyone not only certain ethnic groups.

The JGDC continues to exhibit annually at the New Jersey American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Conference (NJAAP) in Somerset, NJ and Residence Day in Edison, NJ.  During this time we create the opportunity to meet and speak with many pediatricians who practice throughout New Jersey to share with them the importance of carrier screening.  This group of doctors has the opportunity to speak with young adults before they go off to college and share this information with them.  They also speak with parents and can share the importance of being screened and the need to update screening with each pregnancy.